Holding furnace mainly used for heat preservation, standing and casting of molten aluminum. Holding furnace has similar structure as the melting furnace and they differ from each other depends on the power used in combustion system as holding furnace uses smaller power. Since the holding furnace has similar structure as the melting furnace and hence it can replace melting furnace to guarantee production for a short term. The external material of the holding furnace made of Q235 steel whereas its internal made of refractory bricks and high alumina brick. Non-adhesive aluminum castable or high strength low cement castable is used for internal casting. We can provide custom-made products such as holding furnace using natural gas, holding furnace using electric heater, holding furnace using heavy oil burner, holding furnace using diesel for our customers.
ParametersCetus Machine Co., Ltd.
Address: No.61, nan Road, Foshan, Guangdong Province, China
Website: www.cetusmachine.com
Email: info@cetusmachine.com
Email: sales@cetusmachine.com
Email: r&d@cetusmachine.com